Democracy and Its Endangerment: A project of the Wittelsbacher Gymnasium München


Since summer 2019, preparations had been ongoing at Wittelsbacher Gymnasium for an exhibition dedicated to photos about "Democracy and Its Endangerment". These pictures should have been shown (among other locations) at Bayerischer Landtag (Bavarian Parliament) and The Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing. Due to Corona restrictions, however, the realization of these exhibitions was prevented on short notice.

Now this exhibition will be presented - in reduced scope - at Wittelsbacher Gymnasium, if and when the building will be completely open to the public; according to recent plans, this will be at a time when a student group from Thessaloniki will visit in the context of a different project.

In the existing exhibition catalogue, students from Munich and Bolzano presented essays and photos on various topics like democracy in the ancient world, revival of democracy by the Weimar constitution, the German Grundgesetz, or endangerment of democracy by fascism. This material can also be used as additional material for school lessons on these topics.